IV Italian National Workshop on Adaptive Optics

The IV Italian National Workshop on Adaptive Optics, promoted by the ADONI National Lab, will be held in Teramo, from March 30th to April 1st, 2022.
The purpose of the appointment, currently at its fourth edition, is to continue the fruitful exchange between all those who deal with Adaptive Optics for Astronomy in Italy, including also technologies not strictly related to VIS/NIR ground based astronomy.
It will be an opportunity to know each other, present new ideas, report experiences, strengthen collaboration between projects and research groups, with particular regard to young researchers who want to make their contribution to this field, where the Italian community plays a major role in the international scene.
The Workshop will cover the following topics:
– Current and future AO projects
– Scientific drivers
– New concepts and new ideas
– Solar AO
– Wavefront sensing
– Wavefront correction
– lab experiments, field experiments, and lessons learned from present AO instruments
– Control Systems & Automation
– AO modelling and numerical simulations
– Site testing, atmospheric modelling, dome seeing, etc
– Image processing and AO performance
– Other AO tecnologies
As in the previous editions, in this edition it will be possible to give informal presentations, participate to discussion sessions and plan new activities.
Please visit the workshop website for registration and abstract submission:
An important novelty of this edition is the assignment of an ADONI Prize, awarded to one or more innovative proposals, deemed particularly worthy. Each proposal shall be presented in a talk during the workshop. To perform any required sky test and functional verification at the telescope, it is also possible to take advantage of the Asiago AO facility. The ADONI National Lab could then decide to support such proposals.
For further info: adoni4.soc@inaf.it (SOC) – adoni4.loc@inaf.it (LOC)
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